How Popilush is Redefining Body Shaping with Their Bodysuits

popilush comfortable for woman

A slimming bodysuit becomes a popular and comfortable piece in a woman's closet, as in addition to being practical, it can also be used on various occasions. Therefore, they become a great way to redefine your body shape.

It is possible to invest in pieces that leave you with sky-high confidence. Popilush has several models of shapewear jumpsuits to make you feel good about your body type. They are famous for elongating the female silhouette, even more so if it is a light-colored version with vertical lines.

popilush comfortable for woman
image by popilush

1. Lengthen your silhouette and hide your belly

You can become more confident without that stubborn fat around your waist. You can hide your belly by wearing a bodysuit with lining and lace details to create a more delicate look. Plus, you can take advantage of the neckline design to your advantage. The V or U shapes help to lengthen the neck line and the adjustable straps provide greater flexibility for everyday use.

2. Give old clothing a new shape

If you have a piece of clothing that you can't give up because it gives you practicality, you can make it more versatile with a backless bra bodysuit. This is because it softens your curves in a natural and invisible way. The thong thong style embellishes the back, providing lightness. It is perfect for wearing with party dresses, as the transparent adhesive wings guarantee flexibility and comfort. Not to mention that support is guaranteed by the deep diving bulges feature.

3. A well-structured bodysuit transforms your shape

Invest in a piece made from fabric that has a unique imitation of jeans to create everyday looks. Be more casual or sporty. The classic never goes out of style. It is possible to adjust the waist using double fabric technology in mesh lining. The SBS bronze zipper is classic, it prevents your shapewear from rolling up and even adds an extra detail to your look. This way you guarantee greater structure to live with freedom and style.

Popilush is Redefining Body Shaping
image by popilush

4. Successfully remodeled hips and thighs

If you are a woman with a wider lower body, you can soften your curves with a seamless bodysuit with a longer, shorts-like shape. The same goes for those who want to enhance their hips, as they can take advantage of the effect of a defined waist to build an hourglass shape if they combine the shapewear bodysuit with a skirt or wide pants, which help to balance the proportions.

The fabric made from recycled nylon is environmentally friendly and can help you develop an ecological conscience that cares about the planet for a sustainable fashion style. The high elasticity of this fabric compresses the waist area, lifts the butt, reshapes the hips and thighs without disturbing or causing any type of discomfort.  

5. Rounded curves make you more attractive

The feminine movement is subtle and graceful. Therefore, every rounded shape automatically makes you more sensual. If you combine it with a deep v lace bodysuit, you can magnify this effect even further. The highly elastic fabric in contact with the skin provides an ultra-soft sensation and leaves you free from the unwanted effects of sweat, and is also breathable.

Popilush is Redefining Body Shaping
image by popilush

The double layer together with the modeling lining compresses and shapes naturally. The buckle closure is an important feature that makes your trips to the bathroom easier. So, you can achieve a new body shape in just a few minutes to develop your confidence and enjoy the best that life has to offer you.

35 komentar

Yuk, komen terbaikmu. Jangan menyisipkan link ya, karena akan daku hapus dan tidak berkunjung balik
  1. produk ini dibutuhkan oleh setiap.insan ya.
    terutama yg concern dgn penampilan.
    semogaaaa cocok yah

  2. Ehem, yang Deep V Lace Body Suit menggoda banget buat agenda penuh keintiman. Jadi pengen beliin istri wkwk

  3. Body suit shape wears are indeed actually support our self confidence. We also feel comfortable and enjoy times using them. Shape naturally than become the aim and give us much joy in the same time.

  4. Popilush really understands the needs of women who want to look slim from the underwear designs they design.

  5. wearing a slimming bodysuit makes a woman more beautiful, because a slimming bodysuit makes her appearance more attractive and comfortable to wear.

  6. Lengan atas dan paha memang bikin gak nyaman kalau bergelambir seperti saya ini. Kalau pakai dalaman yang pas seperti yang denim itu kemungkinan bisa disamarkan hingga penampilan makin maksimal dan nyaman

  7. Popilus is the best choice for our body. Get rid of fat and increase self-confidence.

  8. Seiring perkembanhan era, jenis pakaian bodysuit ini bisa di padu padankan bahkan tak sedikit para selebritis luar yg menggunakannya utk outfit dgn tampilan yg casual

  9. Setuju, bikin old clothing a new shape

    jadi wajib punya nih

    selain itu juga bikin kita lebih percaya diri karena potongan tubuh jadi lebih bagus dan rapi

    (menutupi benjolan-benjolan lemak :D)

  10. hide my belly, aahhh perlu nih kayaknya. secara perut sudah agak beda gitu sekarang bentuknya hehe. kalo dapat body shape yg nyaman begini. semoga cocok juga

  11. Cantik ya desain nya, tapi aku kok malu sendiri kalau pakai kayak gitu. Nggak tahu kenapa ihh. Padahal bisa jadi bagian self-love kan ya.

  12. pakai body shape ini bisa membantu tubuh terlihat ideal ya kak. yuhuu jadi langsing deh

  13. Waah... modelnya bagus-bagus ya..bikin body makin tampak keren saat memakainya. Terima kasih sharing infonya ya...

  14. Ya Allah.. Hide your belly.. It is so amazing bodysuit. So understand what girls need.

  15. Aku pribadi sering berpikir untuk beli bodysuit mba, soalnya bisa memperbaiki figur kita kan... hanya saja kadang mikir, ribet ga ya kalau harus ke toilet?

  16. Produk yang menarik, namun mungkin hanya dipakai sebagian orang di Indonesia saja kali ya.

  17. Body suit shape wears sometimes aku juga butuh... meski badanku agak gede kapang lebih pede aja klo pake jd lemak gak nampak kemana2 hehe

  18. Saya setuju kalau pakaian bisa mencerminkan watak dan kepribadian. Yang nyaman dan berbahan menyerap keringat dengan baik pasti bakal banyak diincar oleh orang lain lho...

  19. Walaupun bukan untuk muslimah friendly tapi masih okey dipakai untuk cewek2 yg non hijab sih ini. Btw aku jadi belajar bahasa Inggris lagi karena artikelnya in english hehe

  20. Keren deh popilush. Kalau membuat sesuatu pasti memperhatikan kenyamanan juga desain yg menarik pastinya.

  21. Denim collectionnya itu bikin naksir. Bagusss. Keren banget desainnya. Saya nggak nyangka ada lho bodyshape gini yang memanfaatkan denim.

  22. jatuh hati dengan lace bodysuitnya, hihihi. tapi model yang lain juga bagus dan produk pipilush emang bagus. aku udah kepoin websitenya, banyak banget item lainnya yang bisa ngebentuk badan. dipake sama outer juga oke sih

  23. What a bwautifull shapewear, hopefully it can makes a woman looks more beautifull, and the most important thing is that it is comfortable to wear

  24. i think so many product can make your day comfort, like this one. Thanks for sharing girl.

  25. Busana nya cocok buat kado istri dirumah pasti syok pas dibuka paket baju dinasnya.

  26. Popilush understands the needs of women who want to look slim from the underwear designs

  27. Shapewear zaman dulu kaya dipakai orang-orang tertentu. Sekarang siapa aja bisa dan banyak jenisnya. Mana cakep-cakep juga kan. Bikin badan kelihatan ramping. Jadi makin percaya diri deh

  28. I love bodysuit shapewear like this, it up rises confident

  29. Pakai beginian auto body kebentuk dan pakai baju apa aja jadi pede. Khususnya baju press badan seperti kebaya, dress, dan lain-lain.

  30. cantik yaa desainnya haha tp gatau kenapa kalau aku kurang pede pakainya xixie padahal baguss auto kebentuk badan kita

  31. informasi yang lengkap buat yang mau belanja, kalo biasanya cuman liat koleksinya, jadi tau penjelasan dan informasi yang lengkap dari produk2 popilush ini ya.

  32. informasi yang lengkap buat yang mau belanja, kalo biasanya cuman liat koleksinya, jadi tau penjelasan dan informasi yang lengkap dari produk2 popilush ini ya.

  33. Wow, i think their innovation could be a revolutionary solution for many people seeking to achieve their desired body shape. Thank you for sharing, kak!

  34. It really gives a good impression to every curve of a woman's body.
    And the comfort is also unquestionable ...

  35. Pengen banget punya body shape gini. Biar perut bergelambirku bisa tersembunyi, wkwkwk

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